Monday, November 2, 2015

Opinions Piece-Peer Reflection

Cianna's Opinion Article
Written by Cianna Chairez
This story is about police officers not being punished to the full extent for their acts of battery.
Her opinion is that "police are not getting the proper punishments that they deserve when they break protocol or the law".
She addressed what the other side may think, by putting herself "in the officers shoes".
She was not wishy-washy, and used facts and statistics to support her opinion.
There are no quotes in this article.
This was written in first person point of view.

Joseph's Opinion Article
Written by Joseph K
This story is about over protective parenting.
His opinion on the topic, is that over-protective parenting impairs the child's understanding of trust.
Yes, he addresses what the other side may think about the story. He described how parents believe that they are helping their child out, and preventing them from making mistakes.
He was not wishy-washy, he described exactly what was wrong, and then explained what could be done to fix it.
There are no quotes.
This was written in first person point of view.

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