Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car story

On May 20 at 8:46 am, a flashing yellow light flashes on the hood of Keri Warnicks 2014 Camry. She cautiously turns onto Brodie lane, beginning her weekday drive to Bowie high school to drop of her daughter and her friend Katie Ash. The clean black leather interior keeps the already black car warm, as it sits in the sun in front of the Deerfield apartments.

"I like the black because it looks cool, but it gets really hot from sitting in the sun all day long." Warnick says.

Mrs.Warnick has owned this black Camry for only one month, after getting rid of her white 4runner.

"I liked the 4runner, but it got pricy because the gas mileage was so low."

The new Camry Mrs.Warnick now has gets 36mph compared to the 4runner which got barely over 23mph.

"The gas millage on this car is amazing."Warnick says.

Another Camry owner James Ash has similar claims of the gas mileage that the Camry gets.

"This car runs good, way better than the old Subaru (Forrester) I had." Ash said.

Warnick's two daughters Siena 15 and Milan 11, both enjoy the car. Although, Siena believes that the 4runner was more practical.

"I wish [Keri] kept the 4runner because it was supposed to be my car, and the Camry is a lot different" said Siena Rea.

Siena Rea, who was supposed to receive the 4runner, may not approve of the Camry, but her sister Milan Rea is indifferent.

"As long as we have a car its fine with me" said Milan Rea.

Many of Keri Warnick's friends approve of her new car choice, including Mara Ash.

"We used to have a Camry and it was very reliable, I'm sure Keri appreciates that" said Ash.

One eye-catching detail of the all black Camry is the unique bumper sticker applied to the back window. The neon multicolored frog holding up a peace sign with paisley pattern contrasts with its dark surroundings and doesn't go unseen.

"That frog is from a convenient shop in Seattle, I thought it was the coolest thing, I never saw anything like it," said Keri Warnick.

The black Camry pulls up at Bowie high school as Siena Rea and Katie Ash prepare to get out of the car. Siena and Katie say their goodbyes and leave Keri to drive back through traffic as she attempts to get home in time for her 9:15 phone conference.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Car raid

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)? My friends mom Keri.
2. When will you do this car raid? This weekend.
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

What is the weirdest thing you have in your car?
What is something in your car that you use every day?
How often do you clean out your car?
What do you usually keep in your car?
Who is usually in your car?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?

Write down how clean the car is, any strange details, interesting facts, the type of car, things i notice.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Current Event

1. Whole foods released surveillance video footage proving that there was a false claim, and also filed a $100,000 defamation countersuit.

2. Two tourists put a baby bison in their car because they thought it looked cold, then the bison baby had to be euthanized because its mother rejected it after "interference by people".

3. A geofilter is a specific filter that you can add to an image on snapchat that pertains to a certain area.

4.This is significant, because he bought a lot of shares, and also it shows that he may be attempting to transition to purchasing technology stocks.

5. Disneys the Jungle Book, Captain america:Cilvil War, Money Monsters, The Darkness, and mothers day.

Short Answer:
If I had to choose between Disney World and Harry Potter I would probably choose Harry Potter, because I enjoyed the books so much, and I have already been to Disney World. The competition between the two are heating up because Universal studios just recently opened a new castle that is supposed to be almost the same as the Hogwarts in the movie. This is starting to attract more people, but I don't think that it will last for very long. Although there can be many books that Harry Potter World can add, Disney World has infinitely more possibilities, because they can always make another movie to suit their needs. My favorite Disney character is Thomas O'malley from the aristocats. I love this character because he is funny and silly, and he plays swinging jazz music which, when i was a kid I found very entertaining. I would belong in Ravenclaw, because I am very creative and witty.

Friday, May 13, 2016

HDR Images

Merger Photo

1. I think there could be an issue with something from one photo overlapping the other (ex. the shadow of the fourth girl runs into that of the third.

3. I think out by where the solar classroom is would be a good place to take this picture.

3. I would like to take pictures of me doing various yoga poses and then have all of them together.

4. Neutral colored clothing that will stand out from the background.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Exam planning warm-up

I will be going hiking at Mckinny park next weekend and will be shooting then. My story will be about hiking up the large rock with my friend. I will need a DSLR, and will have to come in a few days for FIT, so that I can use iMovie. I will take a video of my friend free climbing up the side of the mountain, on the hard parts, and then use still pictures when we stop to take a break, and when we get to the top of the rock.

If plans change and I can't go hiking I will take a video of dance rehearsal, and then of the dress rehearsal, which I will need a tripod for, so that I can get images of when i am in the dance.