Wednesday, September 23, 2015

CE 1.4

1. How many days and what cities will the Pope visit here in the United States? Page A1 "Pope greeted by Obama..."
The Pope will visit America for six days, and will go to New York and Washington D.C

2. What are the terms of the occupancy limits the Austin city council just approved? Page B3 "Party's over..."
Rental homes can only occupy six people.

3. What did Volkswagen alter in its cars that has been discovered and will cost them billions of dollars to fix? Page B7 "'I am endlessly sorry..."
Volkswagon altered the emissions test.

4. Who did the Dallas Cowboys sign as a back-up quarterback in the wake of Tony Romo's shoulder injury? Page C1 "NFL Cowboys"
The cowboys signed Matt Cassel.

5. What are the two central Texas companies who have said that they might not expand their business if tough new emission rules are passed? Page A1 "Clean air rules may be costly.."

Samsung and Texas Leighlah.

The article discusses how students are staring to get involved in the Supreme Court hearing about using more finances for education. These students wrote legal documents supporting more financing. They shared their views and personal stories on how they could benefit from having more finances for education.

I think that these students are incredible. It is amazing that they are getting their voice out there so that people can see from a students point of view. Even if their papers aren't reviewed by the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court will know that students have an opinion on the matter too.
I don't know if their efforts will be heard specifically, but the act of them trying is still important. Im sure that the Supreme Court will notice their actions and can see how passionate these students are about this. The public education has very little funding. The Supreme Court has the possibility to make big changes in funding, and improve the public education system.

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