Friday, October 23, 2015

Commentary Articles

1. One idea that the writer gave in the Wide Range of Topics section that you can use as you start deciding on a topic is write your essay about something you care about.

2. One idea the writer gave in the Opinions Pieces section that you should remember as you are writing your piece is to use details and not generalizations. 

3. Three suggestions the writer makes in the Personal Essays and Crafts section that you use as you are writing your piece is to 
make connections, use a good hook, and use imagery to employ the senses.

"Slamming Islamophobia" retrieved from The Eagle Angle

Written by Laylal Zalkout
This story is about the discrimination and hatred that many Islamic people face, and why it is wrong.
The authors opinion is that the opinions people have about islamic people are just misconceptions.
They addressed what the other side may think about their opinion.
They were not wishy-washy.
There are no quotes in the story.
The story is written in first person point of view.

"ACL Effects On Attendance" retrieved from Vandegrift Voice

The story was written by Max Bowman.
This story is about how because of ACL many students skip school, and this costs the school money.
The authors opinion on the topic is that there should be no school on ACL Fridays.
Yes the other sides opinion is addressed.
They were no wishy-washy about their opinion.
The story doesn't have any quotes.
Written in third person point of view.

"Waste not, want not" retrieved from Trail Blazer

Written by Larissa Herold.
This story is about the enormous amount of waste that schools produce and what we could do something to stop this.
The authors opinion is that we need to encourage students to utilize the systems in place to help with being a "green community".
No, they did not address the other sides opinion.
They were not wishy-washy.
There are no quotes.
The story is in third person point of view.

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