Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing

The problem with pep rallies:

1. Annika Holm
2. It is about why pep rallies are bad and why we shouldn't have them.
3.The opinion is that "pep rallies aren't doing anyone any good".
5.Yes, it says that "including other sports in the pep rally would go a long way". Meaning, that if they put more sports in, the writer would enjoy the pep rallies.
7. Third.

Student sharing, too much change or great opportunity?:

1.Editorial piece
2. It is about wether or not we should have FIT everyday, and why it is good and bad.
3. The opinion is that having FIT everyday would be beneficial to students.
5.  No.
6. No.
7. First

The office welcomes the dawn of the technology age:

1.Kelsie Stella
2. The story is about the office starting to use websites instead of hard copies of forms.
3. That "moving toward a more technology based system... is going to prove to be extremely successful."
5. No.
6. Yes.
7. First.

A call for athletic equality:

1. Amaya Marquez
2. Why some sports should be classes instead of just clubs.
3. The opinion is that "spots team[s] should be able to have classes like the others".
4. No
5. No
6. Yes
7. First

I scream, you scream:

1. Nya Martin
2. The story is about why Bluebell ice-cream should not be consumed.
3. The opinion is that people should "not be consuming any of Blue Bell's products".
4. Yes.
5. No.
6. No.
7. The article is written in first person point of view.

  Emotional learning effective?:

1. Melissa Weprin
2. The story is about how SEL should be taught in a more effective way.
3. The opinion is that "SEL is important to learn but a few tweaks to the way its taught" would make it more useful.
4. Yes
5. No
7. First

A. The difference is that hard news has no personal pronouns, and is made up of just facts. Also, hard news just focuses on the 5 W's and the H.

B. There aren't many photos on this page because there is no news to show pictures of, the writing is almost like a story, so there is no need to show any images.


  • Why school should start earlier and end later (or why not)
  • Why lunch period should be longer
  • Why   

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